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From: RichardUseno

Monday 03 Jun 2024 at 06:30

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From: Ingrid

Saturday 13 May 2023 at 00:55

I think this website is Excellent

An excellent website. A "little victory" on the internet.

From: Tennessee Englishman

Friday 04 Nov 2022 at 16:39

I think this website is Excellent

Thanks. Very interesting. Much appreciated.

From: Pfrankers

Saturday 12 Feb 2022 at 23:54

I think this website is

Two episodes of Porridge are on at the Concordia Theatre Hinckley from 21st Feb to 26th Feb if you are interested?

From: novostroyka63Sef

Monday 26 Jul 2021 at 23:06

I think this website is Poor

From: grouty /genial harry grout to you

Thursday 26 Nov 2020 at 18:57

I think this website is Excellent

marigolds been taking libertys with the pinctuation dont u worry ive hiven him a slap it wont happen again

From: grouty

Thursday 26 Nov 2020 at 18:55

I think this website is Excellent

young godbers poppos done a grand job with this porridge site well its been nice chsrtin i must go now time for my cocoa and the archers oh no i never miss the archers wats that u say? lights outs at ten pm ? is itttt?? 😂

From: MatthewSef

Tuesday 04 Aug 2020 at 08:06

I think this website is Poor

From: Fletch

Thursday 08 Aug 2019 at 21:23

I think this website is Excellent

Caught the very first episode of Porridge on Yesterday TV in the UK this evening and surfed Google to find this fascinating website. Porridge is knocking on half-a-century and still brings a good smile to the face. The writing, human chemistry and comic timing are among the best in TV history. A timeless classic. Heartwarming to see some of the original cast -- like Tony Osoba (Jock) -- are still alive and kicking as we near 2020. Long may they prosper. Keep up the good work!

From: Adrian Baker

Saturday 13 Jul 2019 at 21:13

I think this website is Excellent

Hello. I found this website in the Links section of the Steptoe and Son Appreciation Society. Porridge is one of the best british sitcom's thanks to its strong cast. I was looking through the Cast section and noticed that in the David "Jarvis" Daker section you have missed out that he was in Boon. Also the writer's Dick Clement and Ian La Frenais went on to write Auf Wiedersehen Pet!

From: K

Tuesday 22 Jan 2019 at 22:51

I think this website is Excellent

Greetings from California -- your website is great. I've just discovered Porridge/Going Straight online. I'd never seen this program before (I'd never seen it broadcast on TV here in Los Angeles) and I love it!! It's got heart and Ronnie Barker is wonderful. Wish there were more programs like this, Rumpole of the Bailey, etc. coming from the U.K. Lately British programs we see here in the U.S. seem to cater to American audiences (e.g., Downton Abbey), and not as wonderful as they used to be...

From: Ian (Porridge Webmaster)

Thursday 10 May 2018 at 07:24

I think this website is Good

Hi Danielle, Thanks so much for your lovely message. I am pleased you liked John's page. Your grandfather was very kind to me in the way he showed interest in the site and I was thrilled when he got in touch. You must be very proud that he played such a memorable character in one of the UK's most famous sitcoms.

From: Danielle

Wednesday 02 May 2018 at 18:27

I think this website is Excellent

I'm John Dair (crusher) granddaughter and I just wanted to say even after all these years thank you for having a page about him it's lovely reading stuff about him. We miss him.and our gran so much were just so lucky as a family that we can still see him in this and other things. Thank you xx

From: Dave G

Tuesday 10 Apr 2018 at 13:07

I think this website is Excellent

Porridge has now been added to netflix! I have been enjoying a series a night :) A great way to introduce this excellent comedy to a new generation!!

From: kenny

Tuesday 29 Aug 2017 at 18:01

I think this website is Good

Why is the the this is your life episode featuring richard beckinsale not available online at all ? ... would be great to see this !

From: William J Read

Tuesday 29 Nov 2016 at 17:12

I think this website is Excellent

This week I saw a BBC "Porridge" boxed set of DVDs for sale in ASDA. I was surprised to see it had a "15" rating, whereas formerly the series was rated PG. Any ideas for a reason for the re-classification?

From: Mike Falder

Thursday 28 Apr 2016 at 10:46

I think this website is Excellent

Funny how it's taken me until this last month to finally view Going Straight, was thanks to visiting this site i thought I'd give it a go. After a binge watch of every episode I have to say I was delighted that I'd discovered such a gem. Only wish i could rediscover Porridge and watch them all again for the first time.

From: Martin leach

Friday 25 Dec 2015 at 11:57

I think this website is Excellent

Fantastic site I wish I had found it before.

From: turkmaxi

Thursday 24 Dec 2015 at 09:13

I think this website is Excellent

In my opinion Porrridge is right up there with Only fools and horses, and Fawlty Towers as one of it not the best Sitcom ever to be on British tele. Its superbly written combining comedy, and at times pathos, with great charcterisation. The performances of the main protagonist

From: Mary mack

Monday 02 Nov 2015 at 05:32

I think this website is Excellent

most of these players are gone now, the quality actors are no longer with us.

Porridge | The Unofficial Homepage of the BBC Sitcom and its sequel, Going Straight