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From: Anton

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 01:59

I think this website is Good

Growing up with his comedy gave me a sense of humour from a very early age, he had a gift to appeal to all ages I know this because I laughed at his comedy when I was 8 and I still laugh now at 32 and will always laugh.  My heart goes out to his family, live in the comfort that he made millions of people laugh......

From: Shaun

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 01:55

I think this website is Excellent

I bet right now Ronnie Barker and Richard Beckinsale are up there now laughing and joking, thanks for the laughs Ronnie you are truly Britain's greatest comedy actor

From: Robert Stewart

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 01:28

I think this website is Excellent

I've been away from Britain for nearly 20 years, but I've never forgotten The Two Ronnies and the two great shows Porridge and Open All Hours.  I think I liked Open All Hours most.  I also liked Going Straight, and it was only today that I was surprised to find out that most people think of it as not up to scratch.  I never felt it was a disappointment while it was on.  Today I found out that Ronnie Barker has died.  It's a shock, it really is.  I saw him recently in My House in Umbria, and just seeing him brought the good memories flowing back.  That guy knew how to be funny.  It's a tragic loss.

From: Simon Wilson

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 00:59

I think this website is Excellent

I grew up watching Ronnie Barker and he never failed to make me laugh.  Open all hours and Porridge are comedy classics.  Another one of my comedy heroes has gone, but he will always live on through his timeless acting and excellent comedy timing.  A sad day he will be missed.

From: Colin

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 00:56

I think this website is Excellent

A man of great talent!  He will never be forgotten.  A Comic genius who never failed to put a smile on my face or make me laugh.  He will be missed.  RIP.

From: Paul Rimmer

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 00:25

I think this website is Excellent

Website: A huge loss, an absolute inspiration to me and many others.  A sad day, rest in peace Ronnie Barker

From: Mark

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 23:56

I think this website is Excellent

To say that Ronnie was one of my heroes is an understatement in itself.  The joy he gave me, and I am sure will continue to give me, can never be surpassed.  A man and his many characters that could lift me from being miserable every time without fail.  My thoughts are with your family Ronnie.  I know you'll be makin' them laugh upstairs as I write this.  Goodnight and God bless to my favuorite comedian.

From: Gary Kellett

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 23:48

I think this website is Excellent

Just watched the BBC tribute, brought a tear to my eye at the end.  Thanks for all the laughs Ronnie, you were a one off, never to be forgotten.  God Bless.

From: Roger Fletcher

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 23:31

I think this website is Excellent

I have shared the nickname, "Fletch" with Norman Stanley for many years.  My favourite TV show is still Porridge and in my family quotes like "I read a book once - green it was" and "What? From here?" are an everyday occurrence. Like many others I'll miss just knowing a spirit like Ronnie Barkers exists in the world. Safe journey,

From: David Aspden

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 23:25

I think this website is Excellent

Top bloke who me and my brother laugh for years.  He probably always will.  Keep up the nice site as a tribute to the man.  Never let them grind you down... a life motto.

From: Andy

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 23:24

I think this website is Excellent

God Bless Ronnie Barker, thank you for the laughs

From: Joe A'Lee

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 23:21

I think this website is Excellent

I have grown up with this iconic Comedian who has my total respect.  He was so modest but so funny too.  The country is a legend short now he has left us - what can I say I'm gutted.  I have always believed him to be the best comedian this country has ever had, there was no match.  He was a devout family man for who I send my deepest sympathy.  My only rejoice is that we had the pleasure of his company - RIP Ronnie.

From: Ash

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 22:50

I think this website is Excellent

Long live Ronnie Barker and the laughs he made

From: Andy Orton

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 22:44

I think this website is Excellent

So sad to here of Ronnie's death a true comedy genius, made me cry with laughter so many times, they aren't just going to be happy in heaven - they'll be laughing their socks off. Thanks Ronnie for making us laugh

From: Tomos Edwards

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 22:40

I think this website is Good

R.I.P Ronnie Barker

From: Terry Taylor

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 22:28

I think this website is Good

Sad to hear of Ronnie's death he was one of the best comedians of all he will sadly missed my heart goes to his family rest in peace ronnie barker.  (a great man)

From: Keef

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 22:25

I think this website is Excellent

Another legend gone, up there with Sellers and Sir Alec Guiness for genius..... "he bill we morely sissed"!

From: Graham Henderson

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 22:25

I think this website is Excellent

I was very upset to hear of the sad death of Ronnie Barker, I always felt that Barker was the funnier of the 2 Ronnies and his characters in both Porridge and Open All Hours simply saw the remarkable acting capabilities of this man. He will be missed and long may his comedy live. Thanks Fletch.

From: Steve

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 22:22

I think this website is BLANK

Thanks big Ron

From: Lee Larkin

Tuesday 04 Oct 2005 at 22:16

I think this website is Excellent

After hearing the sad news I lit my four candles on my fireplace and replaced sadness with laughter.  Sums up Sir Ronnie Barker comedy genius, legend.  Heaven`s gain is our loss.  RIP

Porridge | The Unofficial Homepage of the BBC Sitcom and its sequel, Going Straight