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From: Chris Thomas

Saturday 24 Feb 2007 at 22:00

I think this website is Excellent

Well what can one say about this epic.  I'm just sad the show and the great Ronnie Barker are no longer with us but I'm still lucky to have the wonderful videos and memories of Ronnie Barker to look back on.  There is not any comedy/sitcom that comes near to as good int he last 15 years.  With thanks God bless Ronnie Barker...

From: Mark Jacques

Saturday 24 Feb 2007 at 21:33

I think this website is Excellent

Porridge is bloody fantastic.

From: Gary Garder

Saturday 24 Feb 2007 at 21:22

I think this website is Excellent

I could watch him all day this country's lost a great comedian thanks Ronnie 4 making me laugh on days when the world gets me down.

From: Laurence Pearson

Saturday 24 Feb 2007 at 14:55

I think this website is Good

Just been watching our rising damp collection dvd and thought it was funny and we wanted to know what happened to richard beckinsale, pretty amazed i share the same birthday as me. He was a brilliant actor and fits the part perfectly for rising damp. Thanks for a great website cheers Laurence

From: Vic Evans

Sunday 18 Feb 2007 at 19:48

I think this website is Excellent

Fantastic.  I have never seen these in Canada until recently.  Started looking for them after seeing first David Jason in OF&H (Only Fools and Horses) and then in Open All Hours with Ronnie Barker and then looked for Porridge with Ronnie Barker. Thanks so very much for the time, effort and work involved in this fine site.

From: Laura

Tuesday 06 Feb 2007 at 10:34

I think this website is Excellent

This site is mint I know I haven't been around long but in my 15 years of living having seen so many episodes of this and is by far the best sitcom ever made!!!!

From: mark Morrison

Tuesday 30 Jan 2007 at 12:58

I think this website is Excellent

not been on site for ages its still great and love you all

From: Nick

Thursday 25 Jan 2007 at 14:18

I think this website is Not Bad

DVD Information was what I was looking for. NONE given here. Note from Porridge Webmaster: Ahem.  Perhaps this is the page you are looking for.

From: Heather Slater

Thursday 18 Jan 2007 at 16:53

I think this website is Excellent

Porridge is a brilliant

From: Peter Wheeler

Tuesday 16 Jan 2007 at 09:58

I think this website is BLANK

Rating of this site: Excellent BRILLIANT I don't think anyone could make a better site dedicated to One show and its spinoffs. The Audio and Visual clips are a stroke of genius.  This is dedication at its' highest.

From: Kevin - Cardiff

Saturday 30 Dec 2006 at 19:37

I think this website is Excellent

A very well thought out website to honour a great program, very well set out and worded.  Very easy to use and helped me a great deal. Just finished my collection of all the Porridge collection with the 2 christmas specials. Congratulations to the makes of a very good website. 10/10

From: Ifzal

Monday 25 Dec 2006 at 17:47

I think this website is Excellent

Fantastic site mate about a great show. My favourite episode of Porridge has got to be the one with David Jason and that bloke digging up Leeds United's ground! Comedy GOLD! Keep up the good work!

From: Tony

Friday 22 Dec 2006 at 20:24

I think this website is Excellent

Excellent site, Ian. Very well done. Porridge is part of my childhood. I was a bit young to remember it when it was first shown, but when it was re-shown on BBC in the early to mid 1980s my brother taped all the episodes (this was before the days when BBC Videos were sold, and LONG before UKGold!) and we used to watch them all the time. Porridge was/is brilliant. I don't need to tell that to anyone on this site. But I also think it had a real impact on my developemnt as I grew up. I mean it certainly did on my sense of humour (for which I am grateful!) But I also think it influenced my use of language etc. It is an 'intelligent' show, and that rubs off I think on people watching it. Anyway, just wanted to say that. It's really nice to be able to talk about it with other fans. I have such fondness for the show and for everyone associated with it. Its great to see it re-run all the time (including as I type this) on UKGold. Cheers, TH P.S. Oh, and to the guy below who is asking about the special '20 years on' episode which had Fletcher running a pub... This was a thing on BBC a few years ago (maybe it was the Christmas/New Year period in 1999/2000 - just at the turn of the milennium?) which showed a number of classic TV characters 25 years on. One was Margot Leadbetter from The Good Life, and one was indeed Norman Stanley Fletcher. So it wasn't an 'episode' as such.

From: Garry

Sunday 17 Dec 2006 at 17:32

I think this website is Excellent

Great site about a great show.  Being a Prison officer myself, I can honestly tell you that when people ask me what prison is really like I just say "Porridge", forget anything else you have seen or heard.  I shall continue to look in on the site whenever I can.

From: Dougie

Saturday 02 Dec 2006 at 19:45

I think this website is Excellent

Website: Great website, fantastic tribute to one of the best comedies ever on TV.  Bought all the DVD's and a few weeks ago finally found Going Straight - watching them reinforces what a dearth we now have in British TV comedy. Keep up the good work!

From: Steve W

Thursday 30 Nov 2006 at 21:24

I think this website is Excellent

Great to find a website dedicated to, in my opinion, the greatest British comedy of all time.  Well done!

From: Richie

Thursday 23 Nov 2006 at 18:48

I think this website is Excellent

I play episodes of Porridge at least once a week as I have such fond memories of the programme and all the characters and episodes. It still never stops amusing me and you just do not find the same comedy in television now and it is a gem from the 1970's that shines above anything that new comedy writers can come up with. Ronnie Barker a star that continues to shine ever brighter in everything he touched and I miss his this calibre of comedy. Your site brings this classic comedy to new and old fans alike and I thank you.

From: Coolin Wimble

Friday 22 Sep 2006 at 18:25

I think this website is Excellent

There was and will only be one ronnie barker, I have just read his autobiography, the man was a legend, can someone let me know if they did a porridge programme with fletcher 20 years on, running a pub, fletcher was a icon to millions. I would love to get it. someone help please. i read in a book that he did a one off? can,t find anywhere , thanks . please email at , with an answer .

From: Ryan Brown

Friday 22 Sep 2006 at 17:54

I think this website is Excellent

I am a big fan of Porridge and this site is a credit to the show it is great. I was wondering if there was any chance I could be e-mailed a script?? I am coming up to starring in a theatre production of Porridge and would like to read a script or two.  It would be much appreciated thank you very much.  If possible thank you.  If not that is OK. Ryan R.I.P Ronnie!

From: Swampy

Saturday 16 Sep 2006 at 21:33

I think this website is Good

Good site, and a nice tribute to something close to my heart, namely Ronnie Barker and Porridge, both are excellent and will remain so, for many years to come. The only sad thing is, that Fletcher is on permanent porridge duty, along with Godber :(

Porridge | The Unofficial Homepage of the BBC Sitcom and its sequel, Going Straight