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From: Shaz

Tuesday 12 Sep 2006 at 19:22

I think this website is Excellent

I'm 16 and my older brother got me hooked on porridge.  I have both boxsets (dvd and the video versions) love it.  Watch it all the time!! ronnie was a brill actor. shame there isnt anymore series. ='[ anyways.. a brill programme. =]

From: Glenn

Tuesday 12 Sep 2006 at 06:52

I think this website is Excellent

FANTASTIC Great to see someone has a site we can read good things and reviews about one of the great comedys of all time..

From: Helen Stear

Thursday 07 Sep 2006 at 20:17

I think this website is Excellent

I'm trying to rally fans of Porridge to get on the website to vote for Mr Barrowclough on their POLL for Britains favourite justice character.  Tip - you can vote every day!  He's languishing in 7th place, so get on there and vote before they close the poll.

From: Helen

Tuesday 29 Aug 2006 at 13:01

I think this website is Excellent

Hello Porridge fans! I just wanted to let you know that you have a chance to get Mr Barrowclough from Porridge voted as the greatest British justice character of all time. Follow the link below and vote on the poll - Mr Barrowclough is currently languishing with a lousy 3% of the vote, with Sherlock Holmes out in front with 56%.  Let's get voting and make sure Mr Barrowclough gets the recognition he deserves! You can find the online vote at:

From: Sally

Tuesday 22 Aug 2006 at 17:25

I think this website is Excellent

What is the name of the prison featured in the film?

From: Frank Cooke

Sunday 21 May 2006 at 12:49

I think this website is Excellent

Website: Anybody know about the screenwriters for porridge?  Does the name Frank Norman appear, of Fings Ain't Wot They Used T'Be fame?  I know he wrote a few sketches for The Two Ronnies but I am unable to find names of screenwriters for Porridge, or he could have been an adviser?? Regarding Porridge a TV show you can watch and watch again in a few weeks and still love every moment.  If only the BBC could find this magic again. An excellent web site about a very funny man and excellent actor.

From: Andrew

Monday 08 May 2006 at 15:16

I think this website is Excellent

I'm only 18 but I love Porridge not to mention Going Straight.  Actually all of Ronnie Barker's work but my fav is Porridge.  Love the site. If you're interested I've typed the Going Straight lyrics since I found them nowhere else online.  Email me and I'll send them for the site. Note from Porridge Webmaster: Andrew sent the lyrics in and you can get hold of them by clicking here.

From: Andrew Lee

Sunday 07 May 2006 at 10:54

I think this website is Excellent

I am a true Porridge fan, love every episode.  I have got them all on DVD now as well as the film and Going Stright.  Also have the books, well written and researched.  Fletcher and Godber great characters, I can watch them over and over again, they don't make commedy shows like that anymore.  20th Century Classics!!!!

From: Gideon Jackman

Wednesday 03 May 2006 at 22:31

I think this website is Excellent

I have been a fan of Ronnie Barker and David Jason for years and this website is brilliant?  I don't go a day without watching clip from porridge & Only fools and horses, but for some unknown reason I have watched the episode of Porridge called Disturbing the Peace and it has caused me to say to myself and my friends at work 'eciffo emoh laitnedifnoc'??? it took them long enough to work that out as well???? many thanks gideon jackman Woody

From: Woody

Sunday 16 Apr 2006 at 23:09

I think this website is BLANK

What a fantastic site!!  I Found it by accident while looking to buy a dvd but what a find.  I was only 2 when Porridge was first shown but no matter how many times i watch it i still laugh. keep up the good work and "don't let the b####### grind you down !!!!!!!! regards Woody

From: Ben G

Saturday 15 Apr 2006 at 16:49

I think this website is Excellent

this site really pay tribute to the excellent actors and writers of porridge just wanted to say well done really so well done lol

From: Clay Halford

Thursday 13 Apr 2006 at 06:36

I think this website is Excellent

Easily the best Britcom ever.  How it came only 7th is a travesty.  Only discovered Porridge last year when I watched an episode with my dad (may have been A Day Out) - became irrevocably hooked.  Mr Mackay has to be one of the great characters in ANY TV show - sitcom or otherwise.  My favourite episode is 'New Faces, Old Hands', if only for "What, from here?". Johnny Vaughn put forward 20 reasons why Porridge is Britain's best sitcom.  I can think of 21 off the top of my head (the 18 episodes, two Christmas specials and Prisoner and Escort) - the great thing about all of them is that they're inherently rewatchable time and time again.  Although I do think the third series tailed off a little in comparison to the first two... One other thing I didn't see anywhere here - there are some continuity errors. In 'Ways and Means', McLaren says he's in for 3 years. Yet in 'Going Home', he's still doing time while Fletch leaves "3 years, 8 months and 4 days" later.  Which, considering he went inside in September 1974, means he would have been out in May 1978.  But when he runs into Mr Mackay on the train, Mr Mackay's APRIL birthday is approaching!  Also, Mr Mackay's birthday changes from April 25 in 'Disturbing the Peace' to April 23 in 'Going Home'. Wow I can ramble... Finally - I think adding more detailed synopses of each episode as well as the 2-line summaries would be a great addition to this site. Love the place, Love Porridge, and hopefully Fletch and Godber are keeping on the straight and narrow upstairs.

From: Lewis

Sunday 26 Mar 2006 at 21:06

I think this website is Excellent

Recently, Sam Kelly, who played "Bunny" Warren in Porridge, was on Midsomer Murders the other week.  I can't remember who he was but my mum made me watch it. Thought ya might want to know Lewis (with a "L")

From: Derek Rookley

Friday 24 Mar 2006 at 23:01

I think this website is Excellent

As the first person due to play Fletch on stage in the U.K. I can honestly say this site is spot on.  It is run by someone who loves the series as much as me.  Please will all fans try to pop along to Tring in June, and they will be made more than welcome.  For more details E mail me at "whats an isthmus?"

From: Andrew Alexander

Wednesday 15 Mar 2006 at 12:44

I think this website is Excellent

Brilliant, Came accross it by accident, then stayed a while. Always been a fan of Porridge. Site is Great.

From: Ryan

Tuesday 14 Mar 2006 at 18:57

I think this website is Excellent

Great site, and thanks for the info on the characters! Much appreciated!

From: Beth

Thursday 09 Mar 2006 at 04:39

I think this website is Excellent

It's good to know there's another Porridge fan out there. My favourite actors are: Ronnie Barker, Richard Beckinsale, and Fulton Mackay. Mackay is just phoenomenal.

From: Jade

Tuesday 28 Feb 2006 at 15:43

I think this website is Excellent

With regards to what Liz was asking about Particia Brake, I just thought that I would add that, Liz, Particia Brake recently appeared in Coronation Street as Viv Baldwin. (Danny's mother) Hope that's helpful :) Yeah, Tom that is quite scary I noticed that too. Richard, I think that was filmed somewhere in Cumberland, but Im not sure? Anyone know?

From: Robert Sterland

Saturday 25 Feb 2006 at 16:23

I think this website is Good

Whats the first names of Fletcher in Porridge Note from Porridge Webmaster: His full name was Norman Stanley Fletcher.

From: Liz Cory

Tuesday 21 Feb 2006 at 14:45

I think this website is Good

Does anyone know the acress called Patricia ? who played Ingrid fletcher in Porridge? Note from Porridge Webmaster: Ingrid was played by Patricia Brake.

Porridge | The Unofficial Homepage of the BBC Sitcom and its sequel, Going Straight