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From: Tom the Aussie

Monday 20 Feb 2006 at 09:14

I think this website is Good

Has anybody out there realised in the Episode: Just Desserts Season 2 Ep 1 that Ives mentions "ronnie arkwright" Think about it

From: Martin

Friday 03 Feb 2006 at 16:46

I think this website is Excellent

From: Martin

Sunday 29 Jan 2006 at 18:33

I think this website is Excellent

The ONLY source for the best sitcom ever, this site is a must for any Porridge fan!  Sir, I tip my hat to you.  Now I gotta go, Mackay and a couple of screws are comin!!!!

From: lewis

Friday 27 Jan 2006 at 20:44

I think this website is Excellent

answers to the questions 1) the Porridge Xmas specials are available on dvd at about a tenner most places. 2)the line "born free... till somebody caught me" is in the episode no peace for the wicked as far as I know but I'm not sure. Hope I've bin of help to u lot lewis (with a "l")

From: Sean Brady

Thursday 26 Jan 2006 at 00:36

I think this website is Excellent

Website: My name is Sean Brady & I live in Oldcastle, Co. Meath in the Republic of Ireland.  I "stumbled" across your excellent Porridge website, which I think is a superb online resource.  The site is obviously a labour of love for you - the style & content of the site is truly a credit to you. I am a great fan of Porridge and feel that it was/is one of the finest comedy series ever to have graced British television screens.  I was born in July 1965, so I fondly remember the series being screened the first time around & feel that it was a vital part of my growing up.  Oh, the joy of being able to receive English TV in Ireland in the 1970s!  I was deeply saddened by the death of the oh-so-talented Ronnie Barker in October 2005 - he is already sorely missed.  I plan to add the complete DVD version of Porridge to my collection soon - I'm putting up with repeats on UKTV Gold at the moment. That's more or less it, Ian.  I simply wanted to sign your Guestbook and praise your website.

From: Peter Funksterminerrgotimhimmel

Tuesday 24 Jan 2006 at 00:09

I think this website is Not Bad

Porridge was only good because they produce so much crap nowadays thats why they keep repeating those seventies sitcoms.  When they work out that to have a comedy you need actors who are funny then we might get somewhere.  The only trouble is, are there any ones left?  Most of them look down on comedy as rock stars look down on pop stars.  Anyway I write for money and I'm not getting paid so adios amigios.

From: Richard Williams

Tuesday 17 Jan 2006 at 20:59

I think this website is BLANK

Can anyone tell me where they filmed The prisoner & escort, the part where the van breaks down

From: Nicky Nunney

Monday 16 Jan 2006 at 11:49

I think this website is Excellent

I will be 18 years old in February, and I was brought up on Porridge.  My favourite episode is "men without women" especially the scene when Fletch is trying to wind Mr Mackay up and finally manages it when he says "stand by your bed, 2, 3, knickers down!" pure genius!  Every episode has me in stiches.  Fab website by the way.

From: Amy Pointon

Tuesday 03 Jan 2006 at 13:48

I think this website is Excellent

Hi, I was born in 1977 so I missed Porridge the first time around, however I caught the odd edisode on telly and asked my brother to buy me all the dvd's for xmas.  I used to have a social life but I've spent much of my xmas hols glued to the t.v. watching episode after fave being "The harder they fall" especially for Fletch's hilarious antics in the ring. I wonder if any other Porridge fans could let me know how to get my hands on the xmas specials..are these available on dvd? Brill website by the way!

From: Tom

Monday 02 Jan 2006 at 15:00

I think this website is BLANK

Rating of this site: Not Bad Porridge is obviously a masterclass in comedy.  A question I have is, in which episode did Fletcher quote the following? 'born free...till somebody caught me'? Im dying to find out! cheers

From: Bryan Johnston

Saturday 10 Dec 2005 at 23:18

I think this website is Excellent

What an absolutely brilliant website you have.  Porridge takes me back to my school days, I always watched it when it was on.  I have been recently watching both Rising Damp and Porridge on DVD, brilliant comedies in their own right.  Richard Beckinsale was a brilliant actor, it's sad that he died way to early in life, it somehow seems so unfair.  My fave episode of Porridge is Just Desserts, the tinned pineapple episode!!  The acting in that episode from Ronnie Barker, Richard Beckinsale and Fulton Mackay is just superb and I'd recommend anyone that hasn't seen that episode to try and see it.  Porridge is on BBC2 Christmas eve, the episode is desperate hours... a Christmas Special I believe.  Keep up this site...many thanks.

From: David Baber

Thursday 08 Dec 2005 at 00:49

I think this website is Excellent

I always loved porridge to watch and was delighted when my grandfather the late Maurice Gillett was gaffer for the film.  When I visited his house I can say that I walked up his stairs with the wrought iron stair side from the film set for porridge, these are still around (with a few spares).  He acquired them when they were being dumped in the skip after shooting.  So may be the only remaining parts of the Porridge set.  Keep up the great work with the site.

From: Bara Croft

Monday 05 Dec 2005 at 09:22

I think this website is Excellent

Ronnie Barker was one of the best comedians I have ever seen or heard, he was also dignified, setting a good example to all.

From: Peter Johnson

Saturday 03 Dec 2005 at 18:57

I think this website is Excellent

I had seen many Ronnie Barker shows with my Mum and Dad as a Child, but had not seen many in recent years. I recently watched all the Open All Hours eposides again and loved them all.  It amazes me that it's still so funny, yet over 20 years old, and to think nothing comes close to these older British comedy shows. Sadly, only 1 week after watching these I read of Ronnie Barkers unfortunate death.  At this time, I also read more into him and the more I read the more I realised he was a truly admirable person. Since then, I have just watched all the Porridge episodes, and tommorow will make a start on Going Straight. This breed of Comedy is up there with the likes of my other favorites, Fawlty Towers and Black Adder. Ronnie Barker seemed like he would be great on and off stage, and I also love the way his comedy could appeal to those from 6 to 86. Most importantly, I will remember Ronnie for the rest of my life, and no doubt cycle through watching his DVDs in rotations for the remainder of my own life. Rest In Peace Ronnie

From: Mark

Monday 28 Nov 2005 at 15:57

I think this website is Excellent

Very sorry to hear about John Dair passing away.  It's been a very sad time for Porridge fans lately.

From: UMTV

Monday 21 Nov 2005 at 15:29

I think this website is Excellent

Danny Baker's Sitcom Showdown Writer, Award winning DJ and sitcom aficionado Danny Baker is back and ready to unleash his furious intellect upon the best of British sitcoms in his new panel show. Celebrating the hugely popular world of situation comedies, from the timeless classics of Only Fools and Horses and Fawlty Towers to the outrageous Absolutely Fabulous and the revolutionary The Office; the Showdown will play host to a battle of wits and knowledge between teams of both celebrity and superfan status! For the opportunity to watch this new sitcom panel show, to be filmed in London on the 16th, 17th & 18th December, then please email:

From: Craig

Thursday 17 Nov 2005 at 20:37

I think this website is Excellent

I have a question needs settling: was there a joke in one episode of Porridge where someone said "I read a book was blue."? Please help. Thanks. Note from Porridge webmaster: This was a line from Brian Glover's character Heslop.  He actually said "I read a book once.... green it was".

From: Chris Evans

Sunday 13 Nov 2005 at 01:14

I think this website is Excellent

Just happen to go to my old home town's newspaper site and saw that Ronnie had passed away.  I don't get a lot of UK news here in the states, and I'm nearly a month late in hearing the news.  Sadly missed :(

From: Robert Fairbanks

Tuesday 08 Nov 2005 at 17:45

I think this website is Excellent

I was very sorry to hear of the death of Ronnie Barker.  He was a comedy genius.  All three of his sitcoms - Porridge, Open All Hours and Clarence were priceless.  Ronnie Barker and Ronnie Corbett should be Knighted. Please consider signing the following petition below:

From: Adrian

Thursday 03 Nov 2005 at 02:09

I think this website is Excellent

I loved Ronnie Barker in all the things he did he was a brilliant comedian/actor.  I'm watching the episode in Porridge were Fletch goes to the pub when there working outside digging, it's hilarious still after watching it a thousand times.  As is all Ronnie's stuff.  He will live on in his work but we will all miss this great man.

Porridge | The Unofficial Homepage of the BBC Sitcom and its sequel, Going Straight