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From: Wayne

Saturday 08 Oct 2005 at 20:43

I think this website is Excellent

Excellent site.  Ronnie Barker made us all laugh in some way or another.  I'm sure that everyone who reads this will remember some series or other that he has written or appeared in which has made them laugh till their sides hurt.  He will be missed but not forgotten his comic geninus will live on for a very long time yet.

From: Steven Fairbank

Saturday 08 Oct 2005 at 18:09

I think this website is Excellent

Was saddened by the news of Ronnie Barker's death on Tuesday, a great loss to us all.  Porridge my all time favourite.  His genius and fellow cast members cheer up any dull day and not to forget some cracking dramtic moments too.  Came home after work and watched season 1, and laughed.  Remember "Don't let the Ba****ds grind you down" next time work gets too much (works for me!)

From: Philip Hutchings

Saturday 08 Oct 2005 at 12:12

I think this website is Excellent

I, like many others, was very saddened by the news of the death of the great Ronnie Barker. He was my favourite comic actor and 'Porridge' is my favourite sitcom. I have all 21 episodes on DVD and watch them regularly. Ronnie was such a genius that it is hard to believe that Norman Stanley Fletcher and Arkwright wre played by the same actor. If further proof were needed of the man's popularity, then it was provided by the enormous success of his return with Ronnie C. for the Two Ronnies Sketchbook. Rest in peace, Ronnie. You will be sadly missed.

From: Nick Garforth

Saturday 08 Oct 2005 at 10:58

I think this website is Excellent

Thanks for all the times you made me chuckle.  I have watched the Porridge film dozens of times and still laugh out loud at the part were Ronnie is singing at the begining and Mackay tells him to form a Slade Prison glee club, and with perfect timing and wit he replys "GLEE" whilst looking around.  You will be missed

From: Denise

Saturday 08 Oct 2005 at 09:22

I think this website is Good

I was so sad to hear the news about Ronnie B, like Eric Morcombe before him, he will be greatly missed.  There is very little left to rave about in comedy any more, Ronnie B proved that being nice, respectful, polite and humble, ment that you don't have to shout from the roof tops to get noticed.  He was a A++++ celebrity not the D ---'s of today.

From: Jonathan Hayward

Saturday 08 Oct 2005 at 02:59

I think this website is Excellent

Ronnie Barker is simply incomparable.  His comic performances in The Two Ronnies and Open All Hours were outstanding but for me his towering achievement was his characterisation in Porridge.  It is one of those very few TV series which can be watched time and again because of it's superb comic scripts, clever plots and magnificent cast. But despite his eternal modesty and generosity in letting his talented supporting cast have their glory, Ronnie Barker's skill and artistry, both as a comic and straight actor, is shown to it's utmost in Porridge. A seemingly modest, unassuming and throughly likable person off screen, the amount of tributes paid to Ronnie B stands as to how much respect, love, thanks and affection he was regarded by his peers, colleagues and the British Public.  The best of good nights to you Ronnie.

From: David Streek

Saturday 08 Oct 2005 at 00:59

I think this website is Excellent

Website: I grew up in the seventies & eighties watching shows like Porridge & The Two Ronnies and loved them.  But it is only when someone like Ronnie Barker dies that you learn about the true greatness he possessed.  What a great life, what a talent!.

From: Ian Broadbent

Friday 07 Oct 2005 at 22:16

I think this website is Excellent

I was shocked to hear of Ronnie Barker's death.  I grew up with the two Ronnies, Open All Hours,and Porridge.  It feels like part of me as die.  Rest in peace Ronnie

From: Justin

Friday 07 Oct 2005 at 21:32

I think this website is Excellent

A very sad lost the word genius is used far too often but doesn't even come close to describe the great Ronnie Barker.  I bet where ever he is now everyone is laughing.

From: Anthony & Gill

Friday 07 Oct 2005 at 21:18

I think this website is BLANK

An absolute genius will be missed by us all.

From: Denise & Dave

Thursday 06 Oct 2005 at 18:08

I think this website is Good

What a gem to lose one of the best.  Always cheered you up if you needed a boost, I love most of his comedies especially Open all Hours.  We were shocked and surprised when we heard of his passing.  He will be missed, definitely one of life's greatest comics!

From: Laura

Thursday 06 Oct 2005 at 15:48

I think this website is Good

He was a true legend!  He really made me laugh, especially in porridge and the fork 'andles sketch!  He will be truly missed by fans all over the UK.

From: Liam Noble

Thursday 06 Oct 2005 at 10:15

I think this website is Excellent

Good night to one on the best actors ever, I just love Porridge.

From: John James

Thursday 06 Oct 2005 at 07:47

I think this website is Excellent

We in Orstralia are devastated by the loss of Ronnie Barker. Humble achievers are rare. Writers and performers with the genius of Ronnie Barker are treasured forever. Can knighthoods be given posthumourously?

From: Damien

Thursday 06 Oct 2005 at 01:58

I think this website is Excellent

I was very sad to learn of Ronnie Barkers death this week. I am a big fan of Porride, Open all Hours and the Two Ronnies programms, and I think it will be ages before we see an just as tanlented actor/comedian on britsh television. He was a very funny and gifted person and he will be surely missed by millions of people how have grown up in the presents of is talent.

From: David Madden

Thursday 06 Oct 2005 at 01:42

I think this website is Excellent

Having grown up in England ( now living in Australia), Porridge, the Two Ronnies and Open All Hours fill my childhood memories. Very sad to hear of the passing of Ronnie Barker surely the greatest comic actor of our time. To those that disagree....Naff orf you nerks God Bless and RIP Ronnie

From: Khizar Jamil

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 23:51

I think this website is Excellent

They broke the mould when they made Ronnie - he was one of a kind. The nation has lost a true legend and a dear friend. Goodnight Ronnie, we'll all miss you. RIP mate, you've earned a well deserved rest.

From: Bob Blake

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 23:17

I think this website is Excellent

The word genius is't quite enough to describe the late Ronnie Barker. A man of such versatility, verbal dexterity and sheer power to make people laugh the way he did (and will continue to do) makes it near impossible to sum up in words. Other than unique and now sadly missed.

From: George pavia

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 22:57

I think this website is Good

I live in Malta and feel very fortunate that our main TV Station has shown 'Porridge', The Two Ronnies and 'Open all hours'. I feel that Ronnie Barker was a great comedian and i have watched his comedies over and over again. He certainly left a mark.

From: Helen

Wednesday 05 Oct 2005 at 21:48

I think this website is Good

I was very upset to hear that Ronnie Barker had died, almost as if I had lost a family member. He was one of the best and could always cheer me up! The Two Ronnies was just brilliant and I have many good memories of watching it every Saturday night! God bless Ronnie. I'm sure you are bringing laughter to everyone upstairs!! x

Porridge | The Unofficial Homepage of the BBC Sitcom and its sequel, Going Straight